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This page will provide additional crime alerts as provided by our residents......please feel free to email us so we can keep our community updated as quickly as wel can. (note: disclaimer-the information provided herein is from residents who may have seen someone dressed as a particular business provider and provided only for information.


Several residents have had a person come to their door stating he is from Dewey Pest Control and they are offering to quote you a special price for their work and could he speak with them.  He is not wearing a business shirt, nor did any of the residents see a Dewey Pest Control vehicle.  When one resident questioned him, asking for a business card, etc. he immediately left.  


Everyone should be on alert; criminals can even obtain official looking uniforms such as LADWP, Verizon, etc.  to try and obtain entry into your home.  In fact, there is a new scam that you may have heard of; the "flower delivery scam"; they come to your door with a delivery to gain entrance into your home.  Request that they leave the flowers at the door, do not open the door to sign anything.


We all need to keep a watchful eye in our neighborhood and again, if you feel threatened in any way CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY !!









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